We believe in the dignity of all persons.
We believe that honesty and respect must characterize everything we do.
We believe that education, broadly defined, is the foundation upon which freedom and democracy are built.
We believe that enhanced understanding of African American heritage leads to improved relationships among people of diverse races, ethnicities, cultures, and socio-economic backgrounds.

The African American Heritage Foundation of Southeastern NC (AAHFS) and its museum will honor the centuries of experiences of people of African origins in the Americas -- a story that embodies a society of people, both free and enslaved, including paramount events and notable personalities that shaped regional and American history.
AAHFS will present the life, culture, facts, and events central to the African American experience.
AAHFS will promote, preserve, interpret and present African American history and culture through collaboration with other individuals, organizations and institutions, locally and globally.

The African-American Heritage Foundation of Southeastern North Carolina (AAHFSNC) was incorporated the following month on February 25, 2004. The Southeastern Alliance for Community Change served as fiscal sponsor during the process of applying for its charitable status as a newly formed organization under IRS code 501(C)(3). An interim Board of Directors was formed and included the following positions: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary and One At-Large member. ​

First Board of Directors Meeting, June 2, 2004

On June 24, 2005, the Board accepted a grant from the N. C. Martin Luther King, Jr. Commission. From left to right: Glancy Thomas, Elsie Ozaka, Sandra Hughes, Dr. G.I. Allison, Hollis Briggs, and John Battle